Top 20 Foods that will remove your belly fat and keep you Slim and Fit

The best way to achieve a flat stomach is through a healthy, low calorie diet and plenty of exercise. But if you want to fasten the process along, try incorporating some of these foods into your meals. Not only do They relieve water retention, but They also help to stave off cravings, boost your metabolism and keep you feeling fuller for longer

1. Almonds
Not only are almonds packed full of skin boosting vitamin E and protein, but their high fibre content stops you from feeling hungry. In 2007, researchers at Purdue University also reported that despite the fact they are relatively high in calories, almonds themselves do not contribute to belly fat. You can swap out your usual mid-morning snack for a handful and see if it makes a difference.

2. Leafy Greens
The second on the list is leafy Greens, which is one of the quickest ways to flatten a stubborn stomach. It will be perfect if you include a portion of leafy green vegetables at every meal. Kale, spinach and romaine lettuce are all extremely low in calories, full of fibre and offer several vital vitamins and minerals that help to ease water retention without causing the bloating and discomfort that some other vegetables might do.

3. Oats

Oats are quite filling, which makes it hard to believe that they can actually help you lose weight. But eating a portion in the morning for breakfast as part of a low-calorie diet is a great way to provide your body with slow release, natural energy throughout the day,
which keeps you feeling fuller for longer and can even lower your cholesterol.

4. Olive Oil
  I can hear you scream, but it's actually true because it can help you to lose weight. Poly unsaturated fats like those found in olive oil can stave off hunger pains, while olive oil itself contains a naturally occurring chemical called oleic acid, which aids the breakdown of excess fats in the body.

5. Beans
    If you are not taking beans, then you are really missing out. Each tiny bean is packed with nutrients, including protein and fibre, while remaining low in calories and full of slow release energy. This means you’ll feel fuller, while the high protein content will help firm up
your muscles and keep you toned. I will really suggest you Swap out burgers for burritos, and beef chilli for bean chilli so as to get the desire fast.

6. Peppermint
As you already know, Peppermint is known for its potent healing and calming digestive properties, so if you desire to slim down your stomach, then it makes sense to start including it in your diet. The easiest way to do this is to drink it in tea form, so pick up a box from your local supermarket (organic if possible) and try drinking three cups a day. Great for clearing the skin, too.

7. Green Tea
As the saying goes "Do what you have to do to get what you want". I know this is not the right time to talk about changing your brand of tea. But i think it's necessary especially when you are addicted to your builder’s brew. It may be time for a change. Swopping to green tea has been found to assist the body in flushing out excess fluids, helping to calm bloating around the stomach caused by water retention. What’s more, it has been found to speed up the metabolism, which can aid the burning of excess fat in the body.

8.  Kelp
Kelp or seaweed as its also known is prized for its high  levels of iodine which helps to create the thyroid hormones in your body. These regulates your metabolic rate, the rate at which your body burns fat. It also contains several minerals which have been found to assist the breakdown of belly fat and relieve water retention. You can Source it out in Japanese supermarkets or pick up from health food stores in a supplement form.

9. Apple cider Vinegar
  You probably might be asking yourself, 'must I really take all this' in reality the answer is NO. But If you’re looking for a quick fix body detox, try adding a few capfuls of apple cider vinegar to your meals. It acts as a digestive tonic, helping you to slay off harmful bacteria in the intestines, flush out toxins and relieve water retention around the stomach. Try adding some to your vegetables during cooking or as a dressing over salad. Its quite glaring you have some questions already, but you just have to continue reading and at the end drop your questions in the comment box.

10. Cranberry juice
As well as high levels of antioxidizing vitamin C is available, cranberry juice also has fantastic diuretic properties. This means that it encourages the body to get rid of excess fluids through excretion (going to the toilet). It would be a great substitute for your regular morning OJ by just taking a glass of sugar-free, all natural cranberry instead.

11. Asparagus
Asparagus is often considered a luxury vegetable, and not without good reason. Each spear of Asparagus is packed full of vitamins A, B-complex, C and E, as well as containing high levels of skin clearing zinc and potassium, which assists the removal of excess fluids from the body. Asparagus has long been used to treat inflammations such as arthritis and rheumatism too. As far as skin building is concerned, Asparagus is a big player.

12. Tomatoes
I dont think it's a bad idea having your stew with freshly prepared tomatoes. They are delicious, full of antioxidants, and they can help you to lose weight. Tomatoes are definitely among our favourite fat fighting foods. Tomatoes have been found to reduce inflammation and water retention in the body, as well as reversing leptin resistance. Leptin is also a type of protein which helps to regulate metabolic rate and appetite, so our bodies actually rely on it to shed those extra pounds.

13. Garlic
Surprising as it may look, its an asset when it comes to rrmoving belly fat. It might make your breath smell a bit, but each clove of garlic is packed not just with toxin-battling antioxidants, but also a naturally occurring chemical called allicin. When digested, allicin reacts with the blood to create a product capable of killing off many harmful bacteria and viruses that your body may be harbouring – including in the digestive tract. A healthy gut is essential for achieving a flatter tummy, so try adding a few raw cloves to your food just before serving to get the most out of it.

14. Chilli
Adding chilli to your food is a great way to boost your metabolism, which helps you to burn fat faster. A single chilli pepper also contains a full day’s supply of beta carotene
(which is great for maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails) and twice your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, an essential antioxidant that helps to battle
toxins and foreign bodies in the blood stream.

15. Bananas
Contrary to what some people believe, bananas contribute to weight loss NOT gain. Eating a banana is not just a great way to
provide your body with skin-healing zinc, brain-powering slow release energy and filling fibre, but can also help you to relieve water retention thanks to the high levels of potassium they contain.

16. Melon

Half a melon contains almost twice as much potassium as bananas do, making it a low-calorie, high antioxidant alternative that can
aid the removal of excess fluids around your body. Cantaloupe melon also offers twice the recommended dose of vitamin C too, which will help to support your immune system and keep your skin in tip-top condition.

17. Cucumber
Believe it or not, cucumbers are actually a member of the melon family, and therefore have very similar slimming properties. It is a
natural diuretic, which means consuming it eases water retention and bloating in the body.By now you must be having ideas of food combinations. Why not make a slimming watercress, bean, mint and cucumber salad for a powerful tummy flattening lunch?

18. Watercress
  Watercress is jammed full of nutrients, including vitamin B1, B2, B6, C and E, as well as minerals manganese, carotene and potassium. This makes watercress a powerful cleansing agent, improving the digestion and nourishing the skin, while its diuretic
properties help to flush out toxins and excess fluids. Watercress is also a fabulous source of iodine, which helps to boost your metabolism, so it makes sense to include it in your diet if you’re striving to achieve a flat stomach.

19. Fennel
  This liquorice-flavoured root vegetable is packed with vitamin C, potassium, and manganese and has long been used as a remedy for digestive problems. Thanks in part to its high dietary fibre content, it promotes healthy digestion, reducing swelling in the body, flushing out toxins and excess fluids. Fennel tea can also help to
stave off hunger pangs, so pick up a box from your local health food shop and add it to your slimming kit and get slurping.

20. Berries
    Lastly, Berries are tiny but mighty, berries are stuffed full of antioxidants and fibre. Just one cup of raspberries contains a whopping 6g. Plus, they’re low in calories too. Add a handful into a healthy smoothy or sprinkle over your breakfast cereal.

So you now have it, and I know ideas are really pumping in your head on What to do with Them. But before that, if you enjoyed this post kindly help me by liking it on facebook and sharing it with your friends on twitter. Now its your turn to tell us What you know. The comment box is now yours.

Top Five Ways to Get Rid Of Parasitic/Toxic Friends

Friends are supposed to be there for you, all the time, no matter what. However far too often people find themselves with a friend who is constantly hurting them. You may want to sever ties with them, but maybe you're afraid of the consequences, or just don't think its the right thing to do or the right approach.
But before you make that decision of getting rid of that friend, ask yourself these questions.

Are They consistently Negative?
Do They always find something wrong with life or something to complain about.

Are They selfish?
  These so called friends don't give a hoot about your needs or anything, for that matter. All they know is What They need from you and that they expect to get it. If you ever feel you can't say no to them, even for a completely valid and fair reason. Then it's time to start planning your way out.

Do They actually criticize everything I bring up?
Staying in a “friendship” with someone who is constantly making you feel bad about yourself is destructive to every part of your life even if it’s just having the confidence to get out on the dance floor. But when you have to take that big career risk, don’t you want a friend who’s there saying, “You can do it
Here are the best Five ways to get rid of those toxic friends

1. Mentally establish a different friend to take their place
  Get busy. Focus more on school, work or making plans with some of your friends that are fun– anything that makes you happy! The more time you spend doing things you enjoy or hanging out with people that make you laugh your butt off, the easier it will be to say no to your toxic friend because you now know how easy it is to be happy and have a good time. The less time you spend with them, the less control they have on you.

2. Detach yourself emotionally
Now that you are more than aware of how this person is and you are becoming stronger everyday, the easier it will be to detach yourself from the situation and their negative energy. If you realize these are just unhappy people, the way they put you down or make you feel will not have the power it did before. You will be brave enough to walk away and let go, which is exactly what you need to do.

3. Don't cut Them off all of a sudden
This will probably just enrage them which will end up in a huge blow out that will also probably involve them trash talking you from here to New York and making your life a general hell. It will only exacerbate the

4. Stick up for yourself
This is easy once you start setting boundaries and being honest, which are not easy to put in place if you’ve been Drama Queen’s door mat for years, but it must be done. If your toxic friend invites you out and you want to stay in tonight and read, tell them that. Tell them you’ve set aside this time for your new book, a trip to the gym, a nice relaxing soak in the tub after a hard week and stick to it! You’re allowed to live your life on your accord and any friend will totally remember you had a terrible time dealing with lay offs at the office the past couple days and say “Enjoy yourself!” Also, let these people know when you are not comfortable with the way they are acting.
The more you speak up about how it bothers you that they are saying terrible things about your mutual friend, the derogatory things they say about your family or whatever other negative ways they impact you, the more strength you give yourself.

5. Don't try to fix Them
This is a lost cause that will just leave you exhausted from going in circles. As we already discussed, poisonous people are never at fault. They will find a way to be the victim again and manipulate their way back into control of the relationship. These people will never change until they want to change themselves.

With these few ways you should be able to get rid of that toxic friend. Share this post with your friends in twitter and facebook if you find it informative.

I know you still have one or two ways to suggest. Kindly put it down in the comment box so we can know about it.