Yes,the post ume forms will soon be out, and the cut off is 200. The question now is are you prepared? well thats left for you to answer. My name is Emmanuel Enyeribe, a student of the department of chemistry 400L unaab. I know the stress it took me in my post ume days to travel down to abeokuta,stay on the very long queue at the bank and also queue again at the school to get the form in the school and so on and so forth. But i have decided to help you out on that trouble and stress of travelling to and fro abeokuta so you will have more free time to study for the E-exams. You want to know how?
I will help you buy the form(card) from the school and send you the card details to your phone via sms and you can just fill it in any cyber cafe of your choice in your locality for convinience in case u cant get it anywhere around you. i know that by now you are asking yourself how real is this and if it is real how much will he collect for all this help. well not to worry,you will only appreciate this kindness with a token of just #500. Yes #500,a little token to save you all the ''wahala'' of coming to buy it yourself.
All you have to do now is to send me a text message NOW to 08069385460 with your number stating that ''i am interested'' my bank details are account name: Emmanuel Enyeribe Account no: 9064431261590 Bank : GTB you can send it before the bank closes. if you cannot find anywhere to buy it once you make the payment. send me an sms stating your full names and teller i can be able to buy it for you.The price of the form will soon be stated soon.
NOTE: Prepare your money now, because the form will only be available for a short time (1 week),and thats all, and NO extension, and the earlier you buy it the better it would be,to avoid the conjestion of the school servers during filling of the form..
On the day of the post ume, i will send you a text to notify you where i would be for you to come and collect your card and also the teller for the form if you still need it.
Well i wish you the best of luck in securing your admission, remember that luck only come to those who are 100% prepared when the opportunity arises. Good luck and God bless you.